Insurance and Payments

Insurance Information for CKD Counseling

kidney focused nutrition, LLC is a medicare provider: If you are enrolled in Medicare and have CKD, Medicare will cover MNT services at no cost to you.

kidney focused nutrition, LLC is in network with the following insurances:  United Health Care, Aetna, Cigna, so MNT for CKD will be covered at no cost to you.

If your insurance is not listed, you may still be covered. It is recommended that you contact your insurance company to determine coverage. See below "Questions to ask". A superbill would then be provided to you to submit to your insurance company. 

Self payment for services receive a 20% discount

Insurance Information for LEAP-MRT Program

kidneyfocused nutrition, LLC does not submit to insurance plans for the LEAP-MRT program. If you wish to submit on your own, a  superbill can be provided to you. You may also use a health savings account (HSA) or a flexible savings account (FSA) to cover appointment costs. 

Questions to ask you’re your insurance Provider:


Please ask for a reference number and date from your phone call.

Rates for Services