Take the LEAP to lasting health

*The LEAP diet protocol can help relieve your health issues related to an inflammatory response in your body

Food and Food and food-chemical sensitivities are highly complex non-allergic (non-IgE), non-celiac inflammatory reactions - and they're one of the most important sources of inflammation and symptoms across a wide range of chronic inflammatory conditions.  It is often very challenging to identify inflammatory foods because symptom manifestation may be delayed by many hours after ingestion, and reactions may be dose-dependent. Food sensitivities can play a role in many diseases, including IBS, migraine/headache, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and more. 

*The LEAP elimination and reintroduction diet is inclusive not exclusive; you work with your dietitian to learn what you CAN eat, not what you cannot.

Using the LEAP-MRT protocol,  food and food chemicals are identified and quantified into a level of reactivitiy: Non-reactive (GREEN), Moderately reactive (YELLOW) and Reactive (RED). This allows  you to see what foods you can include right away to show relief of symptoms in as little as two weeks. 

*Mediator Release Testing (MRT)

The LEAP Protocol uses a patented mediator release blood test (MRT) that measures your body's immune reaction to 176 different foods and food chemicals. It is the most accurate and most comprehensive test available for determining food sensitivities.

LEAP is individualized specifically to your body's needs. Schedule a Free Session to see if LEAP is appropriate for you